Regenerating Ropetackle, after the pandemic
Our local community arts venue is raising cash to reopen better than ever.

Crowdfunding Ropetackle's reopening
I don't know about you, but I miss going out more than I can say. I miss the pub. I miss a coffee in (rather than from) Tom Foolery. And yes, I miss going to events at the Ropetackle. Our local theatre has always struggled financially — but still delivered a cultural impact disproportional to its size.
Like other places dependent on many people gathering indoors, it's taken a hit during the pandemic, and is fundraising to try and offset that:
The good news is that the fundraising has been going well. In fact, so well that they might not just reopen in May, but actually come back better:
With your support, we are in a much stronger position to reopen in May with a wonderful programme of events for you to enjoy. Our stretch target will now help us enhance your experience: we will refurbish our foyer and front bar with refreshed tables and seating, creating a more inviting space with improved comfort and ambience.
This is fantastic news. If you value what Ropetackle does, consider donating to their crowdfunder:
Alternatively, if you feel like getting some entertainment for your money, how about puchasing a livestreaming ticket? Tomorrow night, you could listen to the marvellous Wellington Wailers:

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