Once, we were a fishing town
A new book about Shoreham's fishing past, a new crossing for Shoreham's future — and a new group, bringing together the local community. Another busy week in SbS.

So… what are we now? 🤔
While you ponder that, here's your weekly round-up of events past, and yet to come.
Shoreham's lost oyster fishing industry

Among the many events in the town last weekend, one had a distinctly Shoreham flavour. While the Wellington Wailers were singing outside the Marlipins Museum, inside Kim Matthews was reading from his new book Down Channel — a history of the oyster fishers of Shoreham.
Kim's an engaging storyteller — and clearly passionate about the subject, as well he might be. His family — several generations back — were amongst the fishermen who worked the oyster beds. There's a small amount of melancholy in the story, too, both in how we lost the oyster beds, and the degree to which Shoreham has drifted away from its maritime heritage. And yet something very modern, too, as he described skirmishes with the French over fishing rights. Plus ça change…
The book, though, is a compelling read (at least, as far as I've got with it), and a great addition to the rather slim library of volumes about the history of our town.

- For more information about the book, see the author's related Facebook group.

ACT up for Shoreham

A note from a new Shoreham group:
ACT is an alliance of local community groups including The Shoreham Society, Shoreham by Cycle, Transition Town Shoreham, AREA, Over the Moon and Kingston Beach Residents Association working together to give the people of Shoreham a voice on the new developments and share information for the common good.
We want other local groups to join ACT to work together to ensure a sustainable future for our town. Please come forward to find out how you can get involved.
And finally, please encourage your colleagues, friends and neighbours to come on Monday. Capacity is limited, so arrive in plenty of time to be sure of getting in!
Best wishes,
ACT team
Musical Interlude: Lee Pryor
A video from a local musician
News Digest
- Adur's first social housing in three decades is completed
- Here's a photo gallery of it from the Herald.
- Shoreham FC are up for a Club Strategy award
A new crossing

Hopefully happy news: a new crossing has been approved on the A283, north of the re-opened Red Lion. With a bit of luck, this will take some pressure off the roundabout there, where traffic coming from three direction, pedestrians crossing and the occasional bike can make it a bit hazardous…
The public consultation was 94% in favour of the scheme, which is much-needed. It's out for tender at the moment, so maybe we'll see it early in the new year.
Shoreham Beach Neighbourhood Forum
A couple of updates from the group:
- Chairman's report 2021
- Minutes and Actions from the AGM
The Week Ahead
A round-up of events happening in Shoreham-by-Sea in the coming week.
Friday 15th
- The Crabtree reopens!
- 11.30am and 1.30pm — Short Stories, Tall Tales – Amy’s Rocket at the Ropetackle
- 7.00pm — Transition Town workshop at the Community Centre
- 7.00pm — Sailability Social Dinner at the Sussex Yacht Club
- 7.30pm — Ropetackle Film Club: To Have and Have Not
- 7.30pm — Britain Standing at the Crossroads at the Shoreham Centre
- 8.00pm — Oktober Fest – ja! Sputnik at the Duke of Wellington
- 9.00pm — Live music at the Swiss Cottage
- 9.00pm — Back to the 80s at the Crown & Anchor
Saturday 16th
- 9.15am — Shoreham Swell Swim with Dip Advisor
- 10.30am — Children’s Detective Game with Gavin Milnthorpe at the Methodist Church Hall
- 11.00am and 2.00pm — Long Nose Puppets presents The Hug at the Ropetackle
- 1.00pm — Shoreham Allstars at the Duke of Wellington
- 3.00pm — Messy Harvest (for children) at the Church of the Good Shepherd
- 7.00pm — Hannah Renton Acoustic Guitar at The Bridge
- 8.00pm — Oktober Fest – DJ Dan Byrne at the Duke of Wellington
- 8.30pm — Barnstormers Comedy Club at the Ropetackle
Sunday 17th
- 10.30am — Shoreham Wordfest presents Edward The Travelling Bear at The Ropetackle
- 4.30pm — Oktoberfest! Tex & The Lone Stars at the Duke of Wellington
- 7.30pm — Finale Fling (the end of Wordfest party) at The Sussex Yacht Club
- 8.00pm — Hope & Social at The Ropetackle
Monday 18th
- 6.30pm — Young Voices Community Choir (9 to 15 year olds) at the Church of the Good Shepherd
- 7.00pm — First public meeting of ACT (Adur Communities Together) at The Ropetackle
Tuesday 19th
- 10.30am — Age Is A Stage: drama workshop for over 50s at The Ropetackle
- 2.00pm — Matinee Film: Summerland at The Ropetackle
- 7.30pm — Shoreham Port — Origins and Future at The Ropetackle
- 8.30pm — Crown & Anchor Quiz Night
Wednesday 20th
- 7.30pm — Folk Night with the Rude Mechanicals at the Duke of Wellington
- 8.00pm — Justin Sullivan Solo + Evi Vine at The Ropetackle
Thursday 21st
- 11.30am — Short Stories, Tall Tales – Amy’s Rocket at the Ropetackle
- 7.00pm — ‘Wine Tasting with a Difference’ with Alistair Morrell at Palate
- 8.00pm — The Wellington Wailers at the Duke of Wellington
- 8.00pm — Budapest Café Orchestra at The Ropetackle
Want your event listed here? Email us at [email protected].
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